Thanks to all! With this we have concluded Jun’s Roadshow Sessions at All Seasons Place and Lotus E-Gate, Penang

It was a pleasant experience working with the team and also the people we get to know during the sessions. Indeed, we find that many are still very new and have minimum knowledge about investment planning and financial management.

We believe that with proper awareness and financial education, everyone can be financially independent and ultimately, financially free. Hence, we will continue our efforts to improve and reach out to help our fellow Malaysians

The biggest challenge when doing roadshow is facing rejections. To some, it is a difficult hurdle for them because it means you will have to approach strangers and the chances of receiving rejections is high.

😚 But to us, we never take the rejection personally. We know that the rejection wasn’t to us, since they do not know us personally. With that in mind, we just keep going NEXT until we found the right person who will join us.

πŸ’°In terms of business revenue, roadshows were indeed a great prospecting method where it not only helped us eliminate the problem of not having enough people to meet/sell but also helped us grow our network and engage many good clienteles and team members.

😍 During our time at the roadshow, we managed to engage a few HUNDREDS of New Clienteles and some of them even became our good friends, and some became join our team and became a Unit Trust Consultant.

πŸ€“Honestly, to us, it is a very effective method for growing our network and business. Discipline, Consistency, and Infinite patience are the three most crucial virtues required by us to reap good results from roadshows.

♾️ As long as we are willing and able, there are UNLIMITED chances to engage clientele/recruits when we do roadshow.

🦁 We believe that opportunity doesn’t come to those who sit and wait. It comes to those who are fearless, and keep acting despite of challenges!

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