Welcome to S.A.M Agency 

We Can Help You Be Financially Free

Together We Can Make A Difference

What does financial freedom mean to you?

“The ability to do what you want, when you want, with who you want, for as long as you want, is priceless. It is the highest dividend money pays.” – quoted by Morgan Housel,  the author of “The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed and Happiness”.

We believe this is what financial freedom means. And we believe it’s also the state of life that everyone aspires for. 

Achieving financial freedom requires a person to start building wealth as early as possible. The earlier we start, the easier and sooner we can achieve it.  Building wealth requires us to realize that it’s important to plan ahead and start taking action to invest our money. It requires us to have a long-term view and practice delayed gratification to achieve the financial goals we want. 

Many people realize the need to be financially free but are stuck with not knowing how to make it happen with high certainty. This is where we come into the picture and add value.

Whether you are seeking to build wealth for your comfortable retirement, children’s university funds, family emergency funds, optimizing the return of your existing investment, save taxes, as well as preserving your wealth, we have the RIGHT solutions for you!

Meet The Team

We Believe

Our Vision

We are a team of licensed Unit Trust Consultants from the nation’s No. 1 Private Unit Trust Management Company, Public Mutual Berhad. We strongly believe that everyone can be financially free or achieve financial independence with proper guidance and financial education. Hence our vision is to be the nation’s trusted and preferred investment and wealth management team. We are dedicated and passionate in helping our fellow Malaysians achieve their financial and life goals.

Our Unique Services

Unit Trust Portfolio Review

This is a process of assessing and analyzing an individual’s investment portfolio which consists of various unit trust funds. The primary objective of this review is to ensure that your existing unit trust portfolio remains aligned with your investment goals, your ability to tolerate risk, and your financial objectives.

Goal Based Investment Planning

The goal-based investing strategy is designed to accomplish the individual’s financial decisions with specific life objectives and goals. This approach prioritizes the attainment of specific financial milestones such as the accumulation of sufficient retirement funds and/or children’s higher education funds within a defined time frame and does not focus solely on generating short-term returns on investment.

Investment Optimization & Wealth Management

This is also known as Investment portfolio asset allocation which is the process of constructing an investment portfolio that aims to produce the best possible balance between the acceptable risk and desirable return of an individual client. The main objective of this optimization strategy is to maximize the potential return and growth of the investments while minimizing the risks associated with the entire portfolio. Continuous and ongoing review and alignment will be necessary to make sure we are on track.

Our Proven Solutions 

Action-Focused Financial Planning

We can analyze and plan all day but without taking action we are not going to reach our desired destination. The same applies to our financial status. Hence, we can attain our financial goals when we implement suitable solutions and products. Our proven solutions and products consist of the following:

Unit Trust Scheme (UTS) Investment

Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Investment

EPF Members Investment Scheme (EPF-MIS)

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Be A Public Mutual Utc

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See what we preach daily

Awarded as Top Group Sales – Agency Manager ranking

Awarded as Top Group Sales – Agency Manager ranking

This year our team is awarded Penang branch's 1st Runner Up in the Agency Manager group sales category for 2022. 今年我们的团队获得了槟城分行 2022年组经理团队销售亚军万分感恩一切因缘。感恩我们所有客户,队员与公司所有工作人员的支持与付出 在此小弟想把这奖项献给大家 感恩 This award recognition belongs to every one of my committed team members...

The Story of Two Seeds

The Story of Two Seeds

The Story of Two Seeds Once upon a time, in a quiet garden, two seeds lay side by side in the rich, dark soil. The first seed, named Hope, eagerly anticipated the day when it would break through the earth and reach for the sky. It longed to grow tall, bask in the...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who are we?

We are a team of licensed Unit Trust & Private Retirement Scheme Consultants from Malaysia’s No. 1 Private Unit Trust Management Company, Public Mutual Berhad.

How long have we been in this industry?

We have been fully involved in the Unit Trust and Wealth Management Industry since 2010.  

What do we offer?

Our primary services and solutions consists of:

  1. Investment Optimization Planning
  2. Retirement Planning
  3. Children’s Education Planning
  4. Short to Medium Term Investment Planning
  5. Life Goals Investment Planning
What specific product(s) do we offer?

The financial services & products we offer are: 

1. Unit Trust Scheme (UTS) Investment 

2. Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Investment

3. EPF Members Investment Scheme (EPF-MIS)

4. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) 

How can I join your team?

😊 We are recruiting aspiring and qualified talents to join our team. If you are interested to join us as a Public Mutual Unit Trust Consultant, pls check to see if you fulfilled the requirements below: 

  1.  MALAYSIAN who is above 21 years old with at least 3 credits in SPM or with any higher educational certificates such as Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, and above. 
  2. Able and willing to be coached and mentored. At the same time committed to learning by attending our online & physical training & workshops.
  3. Able and willing to search & have face-to-face meetings with prospective clients to help them with investment services. This includes providing ongoing long-term client advisory & servicing. 

✅ If you have answered “Yes” to ALL the 3 requirements above, Congratulations!  Feel free to let us know by sending a text or calling us directly 😃 We’re more than happy to help you come on board!

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+6016-484 1280

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